You are able to choose the page layout you’d like to have across your site either to cover the entire site, or you can choose on a per page basis. The layout options you have available are: Content/Sidebar – example Sidebar/Content – example Full Width Content – example Choose for your entire site In order to choose the layout option you’d like that…
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How to adjust the post/page layout
Post Content Features
Blockquote Blockquotes are used to highlight quotes or specific aspects of your content are are styled to look different. This is a blockquote example. To add a blockquote to your own post or page, you’ll highlight your text and then use the icon on the toolbar when you’re editing a post that looks like a quote. Ordered List You can…
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What is the difference between a page and a post?
Post If you’re going to have a blog, you’ll mostly be working in the Posts area of your WordPress dashboard. Posts are your actual blog posts. View them as articles in a newspaper. When you publish a new one, the last one gets pushed down and the new one is at the top and the most recent. Posts can also…
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What is the difference between a category and a tag?
Category Categories are meant for organizing your posts like a filing system. They are typically broad terms like “Recipes” or “DIY Projects”. These are your general topics that you write about. Typically you’ll have a few of these.. maybe 10 of your primary categories. Don’t get to specific with your Category titles like “ground beef”.. that is what tags are…
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